The structure of the scheduled activities of the proposed work is shown in the following figure.
Project methodology
Theoretical investigations and numerical simulations will run in parallel with application specifications activities from the beginning of the project. Preliminary results from the theoretical investigation and the numerical simulation tasks, as well as the outcome from the applications specifications, will contribute to the activity of illustrating the different systems requirement and specifications that will feed the system design. The appropriate configurations thus will be designed for the promoted applications. Within the technical activity of system development, the implementation and evaluation of the proposed systems are included. Following the final guidelines from the designs outcome, distinct systems will be build in order to demonstrate a list of applications that optically-coupled semiconductor laser networks can support and provide alternative solutions to issues in sensing, communications and security. These applications, which will be deployed as distinct tasks – analytically shown in the PERT diagram of fig. 4 – will lead to separate final demonstrators that will demonstrate the proof of principle.
PERT diagram: work-package flow
The project is structured in five work-packages (WPs), four of which (WP1 to WP4) follow a vertical organization and one (WP5) that has horizontal activities concerning the management and the dissemination tasks.